The Temple Garments

modestyWhen it comes to the Mormon Temples a lot of people have questions and think it is a bunch of secrets. I have written about it before and you can read it here. I know this subject is sacred and so I will do my best to maintain that. I also am not pinpointing anyone in particular, just sharing some thoughts. Today I want to write a blog for those who have been through the LDS Temple or are preparing. I received my endowment in 2010. It was while I was still in college and was preparing to go on a mission. One of the things that happens when you go through the temple is you begin wearing special garments or underclothing. Many people refer to them as “g’s,” “special underwear,”  “my religion,” etc. I am always saddened when I hear those terms because I feel like it is degrading its sacredness. I don’t go around calling God my “homeboy,” I always use his name respectfully. My mother and the temple worker instructed me to not give such a sacred thing a degrading nick name, but to call it by name. Ever since, I have called them garments and have never lost sight of the meaning.

When my mom called me to talk about what day to go through the temple, my first thought was I should wait until after the Howl, the largest Halloween party in the west. I thought it would be my last hooray to wear something a little more skimpy and not feel too bad about it. While discussing dates with my mom, the idea that I wanted to wait until after the big party had slipped out and she was appalled…As she should have been. That was the night I realized my heart was not ready for the temple. At that point I poured over my scriptures, the pamphlet that explains the sacredness about the temple, and prayed. I wanted my heart to change before I entered the temple, and it did. Receiving my endowment was a wonderful and peaceful event. I won’t go into detail, but I was happy that I had prepared myself spiritually. From that day forward I began wearing the garment. It’s not very often that I go with out it. We are instructed to wear it as much as we can. I only take mine off when I wear my swimsuit, go rock climbing, or  pretty much when I exercise. At the beginning it was an adjustment, but as I have continued to wear them I have seen them as a blessing in my life. There were a few times that I would throw a pair of shorts on and realize that they were too short and so I would change, or a shirt that didn’t cover everything. Instead of taking off the garments so I could wear the outfit, I took off the clothes that didn’t work and gave them away.  Now as a missionary I heard many things said about garments but mine haven’t stopped a bullet from penetrating my heart, they haven’t stopped a stab wound, or been fire repellant… What they have done is constantly reminded me of the covenants I made in temple and the blessings I have received.

templeNow, I want to talk about the HOWL again. I went ahead and received my endowment in the middle of October. The HOWL was coming up and I wanted to have an exciting costume. I made a promise to myself that I would wear my garments no matter what.  That night my costume was not Mean Girls like, but I was fully clothed. I had a comforting thought pop into my head, I wouldn’t be the only one dressed modest that was at the party. As I went to the party I was so disappointed to see many of my LDS friends who had served missions or been endowed decide to leave their garments at home. There were many males and females that had decided that a night of showing off their sad-looking faux six packs and nice looking coconut bra would be worth it. I was even more shocked by the boys who had decided to just take their tops off and wear the bottom half of the garment when we are specifically instructed to wear both parts together. Many of these people had pictures taken of themselves and they were plastered over Facebook. That night I added to my list of MUSTS for a husband, “respects his garments” (I found one:)) I was heartbroken that so many people were willing to violate their covenants for a night of fun.

That night I went home feeling great about the decision I had made to stick to my covenants. As I have continued to wear my garments, I think back to that night and think about what an internal battle I had over something that seems so plain and simple to me now. If you have been through the temple or are preparing to enter, I urge you to prepare yourself spiritually and physically. What I mean physically is prepare your wardrobe (even though your wardrobe should be pretty close to what it needs to be anyways). We all have our agency and we are instructed to use it. The question is what will you do?


8 thoughts on “The Temple Garments

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  1. Thank you so much for your Blog. I have not been to the Temple to get my endowments yet and I’ve been trying to prepare myself spiritually and mentally. You have helped me feel better about wearing the Garments which has been a concern to me.
    I just want to be completely ready and sure when I do decide to go. I’m so full of fear and I really don’t know why.


    1. Connie- It is natural to feel fear of the unknown. I felt very similar, what I realized was having the desire to go through the temple was enough to start 🙂


    2. Connie, I too was afraid when I went to the temple. It was to the point that I almost got physically sick on the way to the Salt Lake Temple from Wyoming. Don’t let the fear keep you from going. In all honesty, it could be Satan putting fearful thoughts into your head to keep you from entering the temple and making those most wonderful and sacred covenants. Yes, you need to make sure you are spiritually ready but don’t put it off for the sake of fear. Remember the talk given last conference (I think it was Pres. Uchdorf) that went something like “doubt your doubts not your faith.” Good luck to you!


  2. I guess I was fortunate when I first went to the temple, in that there was nothing about wearing the garments that bothered me. Perhaps it’s because I knew that there are non-LDS camisoles and pettipants out there that look very similar, and are sold by upscale department stores.


  3. I always struggle talking to young people about their clothing choices. My parents never “forced” me to dress modestly, it’s just something that was expected. Even when I was inactive I just always dressed in a way that conformed to being able to wear garments. I see so many young people in the church today that aren’t dressing immodestly exactly, but the shorts are a little to short or the dresses a little to high or shirts that are cute just a little to low. Nothing flopping out or anything like that, just not something you could wear garments with. The things that bothers me about it is two things. #1, when they do go to the temple for the first time many of their clothes are going to have to be thrown out and the transition becomes much more “uncomfortable” because all of a sudden they are having to dress in a way that they are not used to so post endowment they are more likely to find excuses to not wear their garments. #2 the attitude of “well I haven’t been to the temple YET so it’s okay for now.” Is it? Is it really? As members of the Church you have already made covenants. We are told that in our teen years we are preparing to make and keep sacred covenants. This includes the way we dress. If we as parents, teachers and YOUTH truly believe that these years are for preparing to MAKE and KEEP these sacred covenants dress is a part of that. I don’t buy my girls tank tops because they won’t be able to wear them once they go to the Temple. I don’t buy them shorts that go more than an inch or so above the knee. I just don’t do it. We are fashionable and “current” but we do it while looking towards the temple and what that means. Sorry to rant but this is something I have thought about a lot and just don’t always have a place to talk about the way it makes me feel.


  4. I applaud your blog. As an Assistant to the Matron in one of our temples I get the opportunity to instruct sisters going through the temple for the first time about wearing the garment. I can only hope they listen as you have. When I worked with the young women before my call to the temple I had some of them tell me that they would change their wardrobe after they went through the temple. When I told my daughter what they said she laughed and said, “Tell them to come look at my wardrobe. I have been married for 5 years and I’m still wearing the same cloths I did when I was in High School. What young married can go out and buy a new wardrobe after she goes through the temple?” Fortunately most of the young women I have talked to understand the importance of modesty and wearing the garment. It takes some a little longer so we just have to be a little patient. Hopefully they will remember this statement made by the First Presidency in 1988; “How it is worn is an outward expression of an inward commitment to follow the Savior.”


  5. Thank you for all of your comments! It is a topic that is rarely discussed and people don’t prepare themselves. When it comes to teaching it patience is really the best way to go! I loved the quote “How it is worn is an outward expression of an inward commitment to follow the Savior.”


  6. Way to go! I went through the temple without any other reason then simply I wanted to go. I was a little younger and very surprised my Bishop had said yes. But I knew it was time for me to go through. I was so grateful he said yes. But I am the same as you…it breaks my heart when I see others that I know are endowed not wearing their garments. I know it is not our place to judge but I simply just feel bad for them. Thank you for sharing this. Especially with the amount of younger girls that are going through now!


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