Blind Date Manipulation

One of my favorite things to do is manipulate people into doing weird things… I usually egg it on because I know they wont really follow through. I was proven wrong. This Sunday there were some visitors in our kitchen, and honestly they looked so cute together, but SHOCKER, they had just met. I couldn’t just let a match made in Heaven get away like that so I decided to play cupid early this year and tried to set them up. It was not your conventional set up. I told them I would supply a one hour date if they both agreed to show up Wednesday night. I told them it would be the most creative date they had ever been on. I was definitely awestruck when they both said yes. The boy then turned to the girl and asked her out, just like a gentleman should…After that, all I could think was what did I get myself into!? In the midst of crunch time of the semester I now had to plan a date, that I wouldn’t even be going on. Joke was on me and my love for manipulating situations. So today I went out and bought two boxes of ice cream, did I mention I don’t even eat ice cream (#lacosteproblems). I figure I can let them make ice cream snowmen with carrot noses and all. I know they will have to get there hands dirty, but don’t fear I for saw this problem and addressed them to wear short sleeves. All I can say now is if they end up doing the whole fall in love thing, I better receive credit or something, at least name their first born after me. (Clare can work as both a boy name and a girl name) Well I better go get ready for my big date tonight!

That I am supplying for someone else, don’t worry I will see if I can creepily take some pictures and get some good quotes…

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